Tag Archives: laserhairremoval

Your Beauty Bucket List

8 Jun


So today I was looking over my list of beauty services I wanted to get and it dawned on me- I haven’t told anyone about my beauty bucket list! A beauty bucket list is exactly what it sounds like- a To-Do list of all the beauty services you would love to have. Think of all the areas you would want improvement on, or something you have been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to. It can be professionally whitening your teeth, getting laser hair removal, eyelash extensions (just checked that one off my list), permanent makeup, etc. The list goes on and on!

My friend and I each made our own lists, and shared it with each other. It’s nice to share your goals with someone else, as that makes them more realistic, and they can also remind you of them periodically. It also feels really good to cross off each goal, and it makes you feel like you’re one step closer to looking the way you desire. So what are you waiting for? Get out a notepad and start writing!